Saturday, January 20, 2018
The Best Indicator of a Great Corporate Culture
Corporate Culture has been a hot topic in business for many years. One of the reasons may be because it gets talked about a lot. This may not be a good sign. In the article below, some of the reasons why corporate culture is talked about so much are explained and some solutions are suggested.
There is a corporate culture/leadership crisis due to an inherent tendency to promote managers to leadership positions without natural talent and/or training. Managers get things done and we like these types of people. They are more direct, authoritative and task oriented. They also tend to be the loudest people in the room. Because they get results and are louder than others, they have a tendency to get promoted. As they rise in the organization and are no longer individual contributors, their amazing ability to get things done themselves does not necessarily translate into getting things done with others. They can tend to micro-manage and irritate the very people they need to get things done. This can lead to lower performance and employee turnover. Managers tend to be more naturally gifted in strategy and tactics and not at creating a transcendent purpose and culture. The leader has a laser-focused need to create inspiration for a purpose, vision, culture (values and behaviors), etc. Awareness of this fact needs to lead companies to really understand the difference between, managers, coaches and leaders and not group all of them together or only select one category for all positions. This will help tremendously to create more balanced and effective companies.
There is no real understanding of what corporate culture is and therefore it becomes a catch-all word for the problems and solutions for companies. Culture is at its core the mindsets (values) and observable behaviors of the leaders (especially) and the people in companies. This simple definition helps put everyone on the same page, and this is very important. Culture is not a scary, vague, mysterious thing that cannot be diagnosed and worked on. Something as simple as a smile with teeth can define your culture. So there needs to be a simple definition (like the one suggested) and then a focus on making the values and daily behaviors a focus on becoming culture-driven leaders and companies. Leaders by their very definition should be culture-driven and start all their activities by thinking about the people and culture. By understanding and not being so scared about culture, companies can start to focus on the values and specific behaviors they want to see in their people.
Mindsets and behaviors can be hard to change in adults. Changing fixed mindsets and behaviors of sometimes stubborn managers to get them to think more like leaders can be very difficult. The mentality that what it took to get promoted is the same as what will be necessary to be successful in the new role often leads people to not want or be able to change. The ability to change mindsets and behaviors is extremely necessary to work on culture. Work on making sure that your managers are open to change their mindsets and behaviors before they become or in order to become leaders.
Too many managers, a misunderstanding of what corporate culture really is and the difficulty of changing mindsets and behaviors in adults makes working on culture a challenge. This is what culture consultants specialize in and work with companies on every day. Great corporate cultures are tremendously beneficial for the people and results and should be something every company should be striving to have. The obstacles above are not as difficult as the reward. Start working on making sure as the quote above says that your culture is so good you do not have to talk about it.
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Culture is a Company's Secret Weapon
Your secret weapon is right in front of you. Your leaders and people represent your culture. Are their attitudes and behaviors in accordance with the culture you want? If they are, you have a secret weapon. If not, you have a weapon of mass destruction.
Why is your culture so important that we call if your secret weapon that can make extraordinary things happen? Because the most important factor for success or failure in a business is the people. This includes the leaders of course. If the leaders stand for and live the right values and behaviors the culture and business will do well. If the opposite is true they will not do well. So many corporate cultures today are not built on purpose and if they are, they have to be constantly protected and nurtured to keep them in good standing.
How are your leaders and people helping or hurting your culture? Your culture can make extraordinary or terrible things happen. If you have a customer service team that treats people well and holds people accountable, chances are you will do well. If they do not, then you will suffer or struggle to achieve the results you want.
How much effort and time are you spending on yourself, your people and culture? How important is the success of your company? If it is, work on your culture and get help if you need from a culture consulting firm. If not, "duck and cover." Are you Culture-Driven?
Culture-Driven Companies Win
Friday, November 24, 2017
¿Podemos Realmente Ponernos en los Zapatos de Otras Personas?
realmente ponernos en los zapatos de otras personas? La respuesta simple es no,
no podemos. Para mantenerlo simple, ¿cuáles son las implicaciones de esto en lo
que se refiere a las relaciones humanas en el hogar y en el lugar de trabajo?
1 - Realmente no podemos ponernos en los zapatos de los demás, realmente
Se nos
dice que "nos pongamos en los zapatos de los demás" para que
realmente podamos sentir sus sentimientos. El problema es que sus zapatos no
son nuestros. Todos somos únicos y por más que lo intentemos, realmente no
podemos sentir lo que siente la otra persona porque no somos la otra persona. ¿Podemos
tratar de forzar a la otra persona a nuestra perspectiva cuando estamos frustrados
y eso es realmente justo? No, no lo es.
2: hacer preguntas abiertas y escuchar sin juzgar
realidad es tan profundamente simple que es fácil pasar por alto lo poderosa
que realmente es. Si realmente queremos ayudar a otros a entenderse mejor a sí
mismos (y a nosotros en el proceso) necesitamos escuchar y sentir sus historias
y no juzgar. No podemos obligar a las personas a mirar a través de nuestras
lentes, ya que son diferentes y cada persona maneja las cosas de diferentes
maneras. Podemos preguntar y escuchar para comprender mejor.
3: su mundo es su mundo y necesitamos más compasión real
llegar a un punto en el que estás de acuerdo con que otros no seas tú es
realmente difícil. "Yo hubiera hecho eso" o "deberías haber
hecho eso" a menudo es lo que sale de nuestras bocas. Tener compasión es
realmente entender que no podemos sentir lo que sienten y estar bien dejándolos
sentirse de la manera que se sienten sin manipular o interferir.
compasión es un gran valor para tener en casa y en el trabajo. Piense en las
grandes implicaciones que tendría vivir este valor en la calidad de nuestras relaciones
y felicidad en nuestras vidas domésticas y laborales.
Compassion As a Value at Home & Work
Can we really put ourselves
in others people’s shoes? The simple
answer is no we can’t. To keep it simple
then what are the implications of this as it relates to human relationships at
home and in the workplace?
Implication 1 – We cannot really put ourselves in the others
shoes, really
We are told to “put ourselves in the others shoes” so we can
really feel their feelings. The issue is that their shoes are not ours.
We are all unique and as much as we try, we really cannot feel what the other
person feels because we are not the other person. We can try to force the
other person to our perspective when we are frustrated and is that really
fair. No, it is not.
Implication 2 – Ask open questions and listen without judging
This reality is so profoundly simple that it is easy to miss how
powerful it really is. If we really want to help others understand
themselves better (and us in the process) we need to hear and feel their
stories and not judge. We cannot force people to look through our lenses
as they are different and each person handles things in different ways. We can ask and listen for better understanding and to be happy.
Implication 3 – Their world is their world and we need more real
To really get to a point where you are okay with others not
being you is really difficult. “I would have done that” or "you
should have done that” are often what comes out of our mouths. To have
compassion is to really understand that we cannot feel what they feel and be
okay with letting them feel this way.
Compassion is a great value to have at home and at work. Think about the great implications that living
this value would have on the quality of our home and work relationships.
Thursday, November 23, 2017
La Cultura Importa Más Que La Estrategia
cultura importa más que la estrategia. Si la cultura no quiere hacerlo, no
importa qué estrategia tenga. Las empresas grandes y pequeñas se están dando
cuenta de que centrarse en la cultura ya no es algo "agradable de tener,"
"es una necesidad de tener."
cultura a menudo se entiende mal como un monstro grande y atemorizante que es
difícil de medir e incluso más difícil de cambiar. Si bien la cultura requiere
trabajo, es muy posible cambiar la cultura al cambiar la mentalidad y el
comportamiento de los líderes e inculcar los valores correctos y los
comportamientos diarios en su organización. Cuando un gran líder entra en una
organización, la cultura comienza a cambiar para mejor debido a los valores y
las conductas diarias que se establecen como ejemplo para los demás.
cultura tiene un gran beneficio si inviertes en ella y eres diligente en
mantenerla como tu enfoque. Aunque la estructura y la estrategia deben
alinearse con la cultura para obtener los mejores resultados, la cultura debe
ser la primera prioridad, ya que sin la voluntad de las personas, la estructura
y la estrategia pueden colapsar. Como se ilustró anteriormente, un enfoque en
la cultura puede generar más esfuerzo, mucha creatividad y un 37% más de
El 68%
de los empleados encuestados dice que su cultura necesita mejoras. Los
consultores y formadores de cultura ayudan a sus líderes y personal de ventas a
enfocarse en la cultura como el principal impulsor de los resultados. ¿Está
invirtiendo en cultura tanto como debería o esta dejando que la rotación de
empleados, las quejas de los clientes, el bajo compromiso y otros síntomas
afecten sus operaciones? La cultura importa más de lo que piensas y las
pequeñas inversiones en esta área pueden producir resultados sorprendentes.
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